自12月. 6, 2012, 马里兰梦想法案允许某些高中毕业生, 谁是无证移民,谁符合规定的要求, 有机会获得最全菠菜网院的特殊学费.
- Attended a Maryland public or nonpublic high school for at least one year; and
- Graduated from a Maryland high school or received a Maryland high school diploma or equivalent (GED); and
- 注册ed at a Maryland college or university within six years of high school graduation or receiving a GED; and
- Filed Maryland income tax returns (or returns were filed by parent or legal guardian) for the last three tax years; and
- Applied to become a permanent resident within 30 days of eligibility to do so; and
- 注册ed with the Selective Service (males 18 and older); and
- 未获公立高等教育机构颁授学位.
如果您符合这些条件并希望申请,请填写 通过马里兰州梦想法案申请州内学费 然后把它交给招生办公室.
国际学生/非美国学生的学费.S. 公民
对于非u.S. 为本政策的目的,被视为马里兰州居民的公民, 学生应具有根据州和联邦法律建立马里兰州住所的法律行为能力. 持有F、B或J签证的学生支付州外学费. 在马里兰州上高中的无证移民可以申请与县内或县外学费相当的特殊学费. 为了符合马里兰梦想法案的学费标准, 学生必须提供符合要求的文件. 如需申请,请填写 通过马里兰州梦想法案申请州内学费 然后把它交给招生办公室.